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Officials spearheading Oregon drug recriminalization could learn a lot from Washington
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Housing First Can Work—If Done Right
Researchers Neil Gong and Katherine Beckett examine the importance of building on the Housing First model by providing strong and well-resourced case management and an acknowledgment of where programs fall short. Read the full article:
Drug Policy, Addiction Specialists Oppose Prop F Tying Welfare to Drug Tests
Numerous drug policy experts and addictions specialists from across the country — as close as UCSF and as far away as Rhode Island — publicly oppose a San Francisco ballot measure that would compel adult welfare recipients to undergo drug screening before collecting cash benefits. Read the full article:
LEAD Launches in Cohoes and Watervliet, NY
‘People Matter’ | Gaston County Police Launch New Program Aimed at Connecting Low-Level Offenders with Services, Support
WCNC news reports on the new LEAD initiative launched in Gaston County, NC. Read the full article:
The Savvy Citizen Podcast: Taking the LEAD (Program)
Savvy Citizen podcast host Adam Gaub and guests Captain Jeff Phelps and LEAD Program Coordinator Adrien Sanders discuss the new Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) pilot program in Gaston County, NC. Listen to the podcast [23-minute listen]:
Community Mental Health and Law Enforcement Collaborate to Keep People Out of Jail
Stakeholders in Washtenaw County, MI, discuss the county’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion and Deflection (LEADD) program, which is based on the LEAD model. View full article:
U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich, Ben Ray Luján Deliver $5 Million+ in Federal Public Safety Resources to New Mexico
New Mexico communities receive more than $500,000 to support LEAD programs in Bernalillo County and the city of Taos. Read full article: