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The Policy Coordinating Group (PCG) is made up of decision-makers and community representatives who are collectively responsible for shepherding the overall initiative: setting goals and policies, defining diversion-eligible offenses, approving protocols, overseeing data and evaluation, selecting service providers, overseeing project management, identifying funding and resources, and managing strategic development.

The PCG is made up of senior members of partner agencies (such as health agencies, elected officials, law enforcement, prosecutors, public defenders, the project management agency, and advocacy groups) who are authorized to make decisions on behalf of the entities they represent. These include law enforcement (police and/or sheriff’s departments), public health agencies, public defender’s office, prosecutor’s office, municipal leaders (such as representatives of the mayor or city manager, County Executive, City and County Councilmembers or Commissioners), community-based service providers, civil rights and/or racial justice organizations, community representatives, and the business community.